Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two Year Old Activities

Having a two year old is a lot of fun and we find random activities to fill up our days with. We found some pet caterpillars in our flowers that we keep an eye on and Jack loves to see all the holes in the leaves that caterpillars eat through.

Other things Jack does as a two year old include:

-learning to crack open eggs on the couch while I'm not looking

-learning how to open the fridge and help himself to a block of cheese so the cheese ended up with bite marks all over it

-learning how to poop and pee in the potty, but not wanting to ever do it again after he did it once

The craziest things happen if I turn my back for two seconds with this kid. I feel like as I'm telling him he can't do something he's already on to something else that he's not supposed to do. lol so we stay pretty busy :)

Puppy Love

Jack loves puppies and dogs and it's so tempting to bring one of these home with us!

Jingle Bells

This video was taken in January. It's Jack singing his favorite Christmas song. This kid has some lungs and he sings from the heart, but he might be tone deaf... It makes me laugh every time I watch it :)

Snow Day

We took a trip up to Big Bear to play in the snow back in January. We all had lots of fun!