Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome Baby Wy

Wyatt Sherwood was born 2/22/2013 at 1:23 AM. He was 7lbs. 14oz. and 19.5 inches long. Everything went well with the induction and delivery. It was a little weird being induced and just knowing it when everything was going to happen, but we're so happy that Wyatt is here and that he made it safe and was a big healthy baby. It's such a hard thing to be pregnant and go through labor, but it's supposed to be that way and it is always worth it :)

 Jack is a proud big brother. The look on his face when he first saw Wyatt was priceless and the cutest thing I've ever seen :) They are going to be such good friends.
 Jack's look alike in this picture
 Proud daddy of two boys :) I'm so happy to have so many boys that Marshall can teach to be just as hard working as he is :) I think the reason we're having boys is because Marshall is such a good dad and example to them :) I know if they are anything like him they'll turn out to be amazing men when they grow up
 Wyatt's first look around the house. We got home from the hospital Saturday night.

 We love Wyatt so much already!

 My Grandpa Charlie passed away that same night Wyatt was born. Jack was lucky enough to come say hi to Wyatt in the morning and go say goodbye to Grandpa that night :) Heaven just made a trade that day with one sweet spirit for another :) Grandpa was such a good man and we love him and miss him. He made us all think he would live forever so it's sad to see him go, but I know it was his time and he lived and good long life surrounded by his family that he loved and who all loved him. Wyatt was grandchild #117 and #118 was born a half hour after Wyatt. Pretty cool that his family just kept growing bigger and bigger even on his last day :)  One of my favorite things about Grandpa is that he ALWAYS bragged about his family. I had a teacher that was in his ward and he would always say that every conversation he ever had with my grandpa was about how amazing his family and grand kids are. He loved all of us and was such a good example. We love you Grandpa!!!