Monday, September 21, 2015

Muddy Boy

Jack was rolling around in the mud with Ty and Beau. He's been having so much fun playing with his buddies! I love this stage where my kids just want to play and get dirty all day long.

Little Photographer

Jack was practicing his photography skills when we were out in the field and I was pretty impressed with him! I would've had some pictures with jack, but he's always running around and I'm perry sure he was wearing a teal camo shirt with dark green camo shorts so family pictures weren't going to happen that day haha. And I love marshy! He's the best!

Little Munchkin

Wyatt follows me around everywhere and it's really hard sometimes, but I really love it. He's still my baby so I don't mind snuggling him more. We found this amazing field to take pictures in for my bags and Wyatt had to jump in a few of course.