Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jack is 8 months!

Jack and Merik playing together. Jack gets scared of Merik... sometimes he can be a wimp lol

Wow these last 8 months have flown by! Jack turned 8 months on Father's Day and it was a great day! Marshall is an amazing dad to Jack and he loves being a parent. He said it was a good first Father's Day! We are both really blessed with good fathers and it's nice to have a day to celebrate them! Jack is in a really fun stage! He is always happy and smiling and he eats nonstop!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Jack loves his swing and he takes naps in it every once in a while. Now that he's bigger he will sit up in it and the other day he was so tired he fell asleep sitting up in his swing, and this was the result...

And also notice how his face is in his puppy's bum... This little guy makes us laugh so hard!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Whats New

This last month has been fun with Jack learning to crawl and pull himself up next to things. Here are some funny pictures and video we've teken of him. I'll post some of Jack crawling soon! I just haven't uploaded them to our computer yet.

Jack will pull himself up to stand but he gets stuck and needs help getting down. He was crying for me to help him down and I thought it was so cute!

I hope they call me on a mission! I love getting Jack ready for church! Little boys in suits are the cutest!


Wow I had no idea how aweful growing new teeth was until now! Poor Jack has been getting fevers and having such a hard time sleeping since he's been teething. His two bottom teeth have popped through and he's been feeling a little bit better because of that. He is now 7 months and weighs 17.6 lbs. and is 27" long. He is getting so big and crawling every where now! He's in a really cute stage right now, but I'm sure it will get cuter once he gets a break from teething! ;)