Monday, August 8, 2011

White Coat Ceremony

Marshall introducing himself to everyone at the ceremony

Getting his white coat (sorry my pictures aren't so great, I was holding Jack and being a photographer...)

Shaking hands with some of the speakers

Marshall looks so good and professional in his white coat!

Marshall's white coat ceremony was the day after Stewart's wedding and I was so glad to make it to both things. The ceremony was nice and it made us feel like school was officially starting. I was able to meet some of Marshall's classmates and get a feel for the place that he'll be spending so much time at over the next 4 years. It was really good and now we can let the crazy times begin!


Classy Clutter said...

Craig's is on Friday! He started school last Thursday but we are so excited to see him in his professional white coat! How exciting is this?! Hope you guys are loving Cali!

xoxo, Mallory

becky+cade said...

how fun! i bet it feels so official now... glad you made it to all the big events! {the wedding, white coat ceremony, and the tennis tournament! (: }

way to go marshy!!! good luck & i love you!