Thursday, May 23, 2013


 This baby has been attached to me. This is how we usually end our day with me cooking or getting anything done with Wyatt strapped on for the ride. Hey if it keeps him happy and I can at least have two hands I'll take it
 Jack started drawing people and I love them! He'll draw so many of them so here is a picture of some of his artwork.
 We went to the splash pad the other day and I don't think Wyatt enjoyed it very much :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Roller Coaster

I just have to say that being a mom is a crazy roller coaster ride. I've been sleep deprived for months now so I'm not functioning at 100% and it makes for interesting days dealing with toddler problems :) The other day I was especially tired with less sleep than usual and Jack and Wyatt seemed to be having a rough morning as well. I can't even remember what the reasons were but it seemed like Jack was crying over everything. It was just a crazy morning so for lunch we decided to go to Wendy's to make the day a little easier and as I was passing french fries back to Jack he says ,"Thanks mom you're so great." I didn't feel like I was so great that day the way it had started out, but I love that little boy and he can make me want to lose it one second and make me smile the next.

The other day the boys were out in the car waiting for me and I ran out and when I got in the car Wyatt wasn't in there yet. I guess I was supposed to grab him on my way out, but didn't realize. So we pulled up closer to the house to run in and grab him and Jack panicked because it looked like we were driving away without the baby and he said, "We can't leave Wyatt he's our best baby and my best friend!" Jack loves his little brother and I can't wait to see them play together.

Now that I have two kids, when we get in our car I have Jack climb in and sit in his car seat and wait for me to come buckle him in after I put Wyatt in. Today when I went around to buckle Jack he was already buckled. I got really excited and told him what a good job he did buckling himself in all by himself and he said, "Thanks mom, I couldn't have done it without you." He makes me laugh and I just wanted to write down a few of the cute and funny things he's said lately because I know I'll forget and I know I've already forgotten so many of them, but being a mom is crazy but so fun and there's nothing else I want to be doing :) I'm so blessed to be able to stay home and take care of my cute boys

Sunday, May 5, 2013


These are just the latest pictures I've been taking and I never have time to blog so I just have to throw them all together in one post

 Jack loves to color his arms and say that he's a fast race car... I don't even know how many times he's done this while I'm feeding Wyatt

 Nap time

 Shelby and Ayrica came over and played in a flag football tournament right by the LA temple so we went and watched them and had a fun weekend hanging out :) They also won the championship game!

Wyatt started to smile about a week ago and I can't stop taking pictures of it :) I love the stage when they start interacting more. Jack loves to help out with the baby and he loves being a big brother. Wyatt has been happier and it's so much easier for him to eat now that his tongue has been clipped. That has made everything a lot easier. We've had a fun month and are ready for Marshall to finish his boards already so he can be home more!