These are a few of our engagement pictures! Marshall's sister Amy took them for us and we thought about putting her in the back round since she's the reason that me and Marshall met in the first place... but we're thinking about naming a kid after her instead. 

We were tired of taking pictures after a while. I can't wait till the real wedding day when we actually take a ton of pictures!

Wow! Congratulations! We are excited to add a new cuz to the Hunt clan! Welcome Chelsea!
yahoo! an update! these turned out SO cute! you should name one of your kids after me too! ha ha jk... but seriosuly.
I am so excited you are naming a kid after me! But, of course you would! I am so so so excited for your wedding. I am so glad I set you to up! I am a match maker...but only for everyone else :)
Way cute pics. I bet you guys are getting super excited. Ya wait until the wedding day when you take a million plus pics and plus all the smiling at all your guests. It gets exhausting, but it's the best day ever and worth every second. Good Luck!
Very cute pictures! Love the last one. Try to save up your patience for the wedding day - you will need it!
hi marsh and fiance! congratulations, you guys make a very cute couple! and bryson in jealous you already went back to ecuador!
When I see the last picture I think "really though" haha LoL :)
The pictures are adorable. Woo!
Secondly, I just noticed that you left comments on my blog. Ha. I past on the message to Whit. And we love and miss you! Ciao :)
Oh those pictures are adorable! It looks like the same place we got ours done! We're excited for you two to be married! Congratulations! =)
you guys are such a cute couple, the pictures look so cute! Just wait till the wedding pictures after awhie you get a permanent smile, but congrats you guys!
Chelsea cute blog! I enjoyed your wedding . Have fun on your honeymoon.
cute pictures...cute blog, your wedding was beautiful and soooo much fun.
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