We went a got Jack a new beanie the other day. His head got too big for his little baby ones and I missed him wearing them. I love it when he wears beanies! I think it's the cutest thing ever! He pulls it down over his eyes sometimes and freaks out about it haha so he still needs to grow into this one...

This is Jack sleeping in his crib. He's been sleeping in his car seat since he's been born and we're slowing trying to switch him over to the crib. It's just been so nice sleeping through the night I'm afraid to move him to the crib and have him wake up in the night...
That beanie is so cute! I don't blame you for having to get more. Way fun! And I love the bed set. Cute pattern.
Ohhh he is so precious! Did you make the bed set your self? It is so cute!
He is so adorable! I love the crib set...so cute!
Good job sleeping in your crib Jack! I love the hat.
I love the beanie! Glad you updated the blog!
he is so adorable and getting so big! I still can't believe this is yours!!! lol
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