Jack will be two in a week and I just had to post things we love about Jack!
-When I tell Jack something exciting he says "No way!" or "really? WOW!"
-When he wants to get out of time out early he yells "hug!"
-He calls fankenstein 'frankencelery' from vegie tales and he loves to say Halloween things are scary and spooky
-He gets mad when we don't pray for daddy at school every prayer :)
-He loves his ABC's and knows all of them! The other day we was pointing to the letter and saying "mom what that?" I would say "an A" Jack would say "good job mom!"
-He falls asleep to primary songs and 'popcorn popping' is his favorite.
-His favorite toys right now are trains, cars, and nemo.
We love Jack so much and I can't believe he's going to be two!