Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sea World Trip

Shamu! It was such a cool show!

Jack loves the turtles from Finding Nemo and he was so excited to see real ones!

Bad picture cause the lighting was bad, but there's a shark behind us!

Spinning Sea Star ride (like the tea cups at Disneyland) and Jack loved it!

Soft bouncing pad for the little kidos to play on. It was a nice break from trying to keep Jack contained in his stroller and he enjoyed running around. :)

These were Pilot Whales in the Dolphin show, which was so fun to watch! The shows were amazing and it's crazy to see how big all the whales are in real life!

It was mine and Jack's first time to Sea World and our trip was so fun! Jack was really good during the whole thing! He had so much fun and loved to see all the animals in real life. His favorite movie is Finding Nemo so he would see a fish and say Nemo or Dori and he loves the turtles in the movie so they were his favorite! We all had a good time and can't wait to go again some day! :)


Chelsie said...

Man, one of these days I'm totally going to have to take Sky to sea world! I'm sure she would love it. I haven't been since I was little. Looks fun!

becky+cade said...

i'm surprised marshall is counting when we went to sea world... we were so little, i can barely even remember.

jack is getting SO BIG!! oh my word! i cannot wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!!!!

Unknown said...

So cute! looks like so much fun! :)