Friday, September 21, 2012

Jack Jack and the baby

I haven't been able to post because my computer hasn't let me put any new pictures on it for a few months now... So I was talking to Jack about the new baby coming in March this morning and he was saying really cute things that I needed to write down.

He is really into watching the videos they have on baby center about what your baby looks like inside your belly and it tells you everything that is happening with your baby. He was telling me how the baby's bones and brain are growing right now and that they baby is the size of an apple. He says the baby has to grow to be the size of a nana and then the size of a pumpkin before it is born. He's really into it and I think he thinks he's looking at the baby in my belly when he watches the video.

We went to the park with a friend yesterday and his friend has a baby brother and this morning Jack was telling me how the baby drinks milk from a bottle and then falls asleep. He was saying he wants to help feed the baby when it's born... I'm not ready to explain nursing yet so I just said ok, but mommy will feed the baby most of the time :)

Jack is so excited to be a big brother and we're so happy to have our family grow a little bit bigger. I can't wait to see him with the new baby and how he will react when he finds out what it's really all about to have a baby at home with us. It's really cute how he's noticing everything about babies and what they need, but we'll see how he handles it when it happens for real.


Nathan & Jennifer Lundstrom said...

Congrats Chelsea that is really exciting!

Liz G said...

So excited for you guys! Congrats! Jack is going to be the cutest big brother!